0=Now, checking valid drives for enough space for the test files.
1=There are no drive which can contain the file created by the demonstration. Free some spaces on the test drive.
2=The number of Rows must be betwen 1 and ~.
3=The number of Cols must be betwen 1 and ~.
4=The number of Sheets must be betwen 1 and ~.
frmBigArray='BIG DISK ARRAY' Demonstration
Command1=Start the &demonstration
Label1(0)=The 'BIG DISK ARRAY' demonstrates a part of 'TIME TO WIN' DLL for VB 3.0. Some other routines are used to perform the demonstration.
Label1(1)=The 'BIG DISK ARRAY' creates/uses ARRAY (standard variable or type'd variable) on DISK in place of MEMORY. This lets precious memory available for any other application.
Label1(2)=A 'BIG DISK ARRAY' can use a maximum of 3 dimensions : Rows, Cols, Sheets. Each dimension can have a theoric value of 2.147.483.647. However, you're limited to the size of the disk on which the array is defined.
Label1(3)=Before the beginning of the demonstration, you must enter the value of the 3 dimensions that you want to use. The input of the value are voluntary limited to 100 Rows, 100 Cols and 10 Sheets. This is done to limit the place of each array type on disk. You must have 7 Mb free on test drive for this demonstration.
Label2=Select a &language :
Label3(0)=Enter number of &Rows (1 TO 100)
Label3(1)=Enter number of &Cols (1 TO 100)
Label3(2)=Enter number of &Sheets (1 TO 10)
Label3(3)=Select &the drive (only drive with enough space are displayed)